Books & Literature
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Mohamed Khalifa -<br>Heilen nur mit den Händen

Mohamed Khalifa -
Heilen nur mit den Händen

Gisbert Niederführ, 2001

Mohamed Khalifa heilt im osterreichischen Hallein selbst schwerste Muskel- und Gelenkverletzungen nur mit den Handen; ohne Operation und das in nur 60 bis 90 Minuten. Er hat einen neuen Weg in der Medizin gefunden, der Quantenphysik und die Selbstheilungskrafte des Kopers miteinander verbindet.

Heilen statt reparieren -<br>Wie Mohamed Khalifa Bänder wieder heilen lässt

Heilen statt reparieren -
Wie Mohamed Khalifa Bänder wieder heilen lässt

Gisbert Niederführ, 2010

Seit 30 Jahren heilt Mohamed Khalifa (geboren 1947) im österreichischen Hallein schwerste orthopädische Verletzungen ohne Operation, nur mit seinen Händen. Ob Meniskusschaden, Bandscheibenvorfall oder Kreuzbandriss - die Patienten humpeln mit Krücken in seine Praxis und treiben am nächsten Tag wieder Sport.

Spontanheilung<br>Warum das Unmögliche doch geschieht

Warum das Unmögliche doch geschieht

Peter & Katarina Michel, 2014

It is an odd phenomenon that whilst medicine turns to the diseased human being with zeal on the one hand, should there be a suddenly and unexpectedly recovery from a seemingly incurable disease - medicine loses all interest in that human being.

Segment-Anatomie: Der Schlüssel zu Akupunktur, Neuraltherapie und Manualtherapie

Segment-Anatomie: Der Schlüssel zu Akupunktur, Neuraltherapie und Manualtherapie
Ingrid Wancura-Kampik, 2017

Spinal nerves, body peripheries, internal organs ... individuals who understand the connections and interrelationships can offer better diagnoses and treatment. Impressively, “segmental anatomy” is derived from the interrelations between spinal nerves and segments in the skin, muscles, bones, as well as the projection areas of internal organs on the body surface.

Energiemedizin: Konzepte und ihre wissenschaftliche Basis

Energiemedizin: Konzepte und ihre wissenschaftliche Basis
James L. Oschman, 2009

Understanding human energy systems and responding therapeutically. In recent decades, scientists have not only been able to measure barely perceptible, but nonetheless important energy fields in and surrounding the human body, but have also been able to explain how such energy fields are generated and how they change in the case of diseases or disorders. Step by step, biophysical connections will also be understood ...

Das System der Grundregulation: Grundlagen einer ganzheitsbiologischen Medizin

Das System der Grundregulation: Grundlagen einer ganzheitsbiologischen Medizin
Hartmut Heine, 2014

The body consists of many biological systems that are cross-linked with one another via an extracellular matrix. This is the largest system permeating the organism holistically and ensures nutrition of the cells and disposal thereof. It regulates the cellular environment and is simultaneously the site of all inflammatory and defence processes.

Anatomy Trains: Myofasziale Leitbahnen (für Manual- und Bewegungstherapeuten) - mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal

Anatomy Trains: Myofasziale Leitbahnen (für Manual- und Bewegungstherapeuten) - mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal
Thomas W. Myers, 2015

Fascia – far more than muscular sheaths. The book deals with the functional relationships of the muscle fascia chains. For easy understanding, the author uses the metaphor of railways and railway lines, which must correspond to each other.

Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen

Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen
Georg Bergmann, 2010

Julius Wolff was the first professor of orthopaedics at the Charité Hospital in Berlin and founder and director of the first polyclinic for orthopaedic surgery in Berlin. In his paper "The Law of the Transformation of Bones", published in 1892, he describes the results of his more than 20-year research experience and explains the effect of mechanical stress on the bones.

Intelligente Zellen - Wie Erfahrungen unsere Gene steuern

Intelligente Zellen - Wie Erfahrungen unsere Gene steuern
Bruce Lipton, 2016

Astonishing scientific insights into the biochemical functions of our body show that our thinking and feeling project into every single cell. The cell biologist, Bruce Lipton, describes exactly how this is carried out at the molecular level. Using easily understandable language and catchy examples, he explains how the new science of epigenetics turns the idea that our physical existence is determined by our DNA, upside down.

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life
Robert Becker, 1998

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life.

International Society
for Regenerative Research


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